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{歡迎光臨我們家} Welcome Miss Abrianna! 07-18-2013

8 days after my daughter Annya's birthday, I woke up with a series of contractions at 6AM. Could this be the day? I thought to myself...

很多人問我怎麼只花45分鐘就把二女兒生出來滴~ 話說我花了4個小時生大女兒,還有充足的時間打個無痛分娩針,加上小睡休息了一下說。就讓我用timeline的方式分享給各位:

6:00 AM 有感陣痛開始。只好醒來 (雖然骨子裡的我是想要賴床的)

7:00 AM 感覺陣痛頻率變得密集,跟醫生通話(他建議我準備去醫院)

7:25 AM 準備洗個澡 (結果我跟老公說 ”我沒力氣洗了,走吧“)

7:45 AM 抵達醫院 (好家在~已經預先辦妥註冊的手續,所以直接被推入產房)

7:50 AM 進入產房的同時羊水破了!(護士還慢條斯理地預備一切)


8:25 AM 醫生抵達產房 (完全是個湊巧,他剛好約了8:30 幫別人剖腹產,只是先來check我而已)

8:30 AM 一個陣痛剛停止,我轉頭對老公說,"I want to push now!" 醫生check了一下對我說,“妳只要專注個5分鐘,baby就要岀來囉!”

(一副不可置信表情的我。。。腦子裡不斷重複播放著“天啊~ 真的沒時間打針了!!!”)


8:36 AM 寶貝Abrianna出生了!好大的呱呱聲!!

{重3,200克,長47公分}  就這樣,我們家的二小姐正式地跟大家說嗨惹!



{大女兒的2歲慶生遊記} Happy Birthday to my beloved Annya!


媽咪愛妳!在妳還未出生以前,我和爸爸就瘋狂地愛上妳了耶~ 每天看到妳就想到上帝創造的奇妙。媽咪在這裡為妳禱告,在接下來的一年中,妳的靈魂體都會超自然地成長,開始感受生命中的喜怒哀樂喔!還有祝福妳天天開心,喜樂滿點!(喜樂的心乃是良藥!所以囉~ 只要抓住喜樂的秘訣,必然健康啦)

xoxo, 等不及跟妳一起成長的媽咪~ --- My dearest baby Annya,

Mommy loves you! Daddy and I fell absolutely head over heels for you way before you were born! You remind us of God's wonderful creation every single day. Mommy prays that in the coming years, you will grow in mind, body & spirit. You will begin learning about life and its ups and downs. May you find joy in the Lord as your strength - happy to the max!!

xoxo, Can't wait to grow together with you~ mommy :-)

--- [ FUN FOR THE DAY ] ---

<1> 1st L.A. Zoo experience Annya's uncle Johnny & fairy-tale godmother Joy B. joined us to the L.A. Zoo. Can you believe it was all of our 1st time!!! Annya got to meet her "sticker animal friends" in real life. A bit startled to see them so big, so real and so alive!!! We had a blast walking around for about 1.5 hours due to my very pregnant condition at 37 weeks! What a workout indeed!!

<2> 1st official haircut

We took Annya for her 1st formal haircut at Little Kuts in Pasadena ( . The owner Anna was wonderful and did a superb job giving Annya her 1st official "bob"! What a fun & classic look for a 2-year-old who dislikes her hair braided or pinned.

<3> Candles & Cupcakes

How can we celebrate my little cupcake Annya's birthday without some scrumptious cupcakes? We decided to opt out a traditional cake for some mini cupcakes decorated with animal fondant. We made it extra fun by asking Annya to handle out each cupcake to the guests - what an interactive experience between the birthday girl and the guests. There was a little surprise during birthday song singing >>>



{女孩們的午後時光} Playdate & Girlfriends

即將滿兩歲的女兒Annya跟她的好姐妹Annabelle小姐來家裡玩~ 看著她們兩個人跑來跑去,一起吃飯的樣子真的超可愛的!!! 一直以來對自己的手藝沒信心的我,情急之下還是硬入了廚房幫兩個小公主做炒飯 (哈哈)。沒想到我的烹飪技術對了兩歲孩子們的胃口啊~ (整個就是在偷笑,嘻嘻)整個吃光光呢!

下午的時候跟Belle的爸媽一起帶著這兩個寶貝去了位於Pasadena的Kidspace Museum。這個可不是一般認知的『博物館』喔~ 裡面除了有科學,力學等教學課程,更有現場體驗的環境,連1歲半左右的孩子都能大大地被啟發!當然任何一個屬於孩子們的場所必備的絕對不會少。。。那就是『戲水』活動區!


More information : (每個月的第一個星期二4-8PM,免費入場) *********

說到這兒,我不得不提一下 > 看到兩個女孩們開懷地玩耍remind me擁有好朋友們的重要性! 真的,女生們聚在一起不是只有七嘴八舌或是shopping花錢喝喝下午茶((這個嘛~我得寫很多篇才夠cover我的下午茶經驗啊))。真正的女生好友也一定要是能跟我坐下來喝杯咖啡或茶,聊聊我們目前面臨的挑戰,分享彼此的夢想,給予對方誠懇又有造就的建議,kick each other's butt to reach our dreams and build meaningful relationships!


永遠支持妳, Annie
